Frequently Asked Questions

  • Accessibility is one of our core principles and is embedded into everything we do. We believe in welcoming all people, giving them the tools they need to perform at their best, and offering our clients services that are designed with all users in mind.

    Access benefits Everyone.

    When processes, documents, events, and policies are designed with disability in mind, everyone wins. Accessibility removes barriers for individuals with disabilities and improves the experiences of able-bodied individuals as well.

    Accessibility is also good for business. Fifteen percent of the world’s population is disabled. That number climbs to 20% in the United States. Globally, roughly 400 million people live with hearing loss; 200 million people have a cognitive disability; and 300 million people live with a vision-related disability. The disability community holds almost $13 trillion worth of buying power.

  • Inclusion in the workplace means a culture that treats all employees as insiders while recognizing what makes each person unique.

  • During your free consultation, we will learn about you, your company and your needs, as well as share a bit about us. We work together with our clients as partners through this process, so this call will help determine that we are a good fit for each other. Schedule your free consultation here or call us now (925) 237-1414.

  • During your free consultation, we will learn about you, your company and your needs, as well as share a bit about us. We work together with our clients as partners through this process, so this call will help determine that we are a good fit for each other. Schedule your free consultation here or call us now (925) 237-1414.